Research Data Projects
Matplotlib and Seaborn Visualization of Studio Ghibli Dataset
Scatterplot visualizations using matplotlib and seaborn
D3 and Tableau Visualization
Using custom D3 and Tableau to visualize the American Community Survey data from 2014. This piece analyzes healthcare and poverty.
E-Governance and Open Data
Do Governments that have more e-services also share more open source data? Checkout this analysis of the United Nations E-Government Index and the Open Data Barometer rankings to learn more.
Mortgage classification using Machine learning
Objective: Using one million rows of Home Mortgage Disclosure Act data to build a machine learning algorithm to correctly predict future mortgage determinations.
This project seeks to address that question by using real-world records from the Home Mortgage Disclosure Act. Pulling data from 2018, 2019, and 2020, the cleaned dataset totaled approximately 890,000 rows.